嗯,目前的情况不允许我做钉子户,为了爱与正义、为了和谐,我不得不搬家到自己的主机空间了,新BLOG使用wordpress,域名是www.limboy.com, RSS不变。
See you Google Blogger, sometime somewhere
嗯,目前的情况不允许我做钉子户,为了爱与正义、为了和谐,我不得不搬家到自己的主机空间了,新BLOG使用wordpress,域名是www.limboy.com, RSS不变。
See you Google Blogger, sometime somewhere
作者: Dexter.Yy 发表于 4/05/2007 01:49:00 上午 18 条评论
标签: end
以前在龙骑士城堡提过一种想法,就是用GOOGLE MAPS来做桌面游戏玩家的主题地图。当时推荐的是EEMAP的服务,然则这个网站的注册一直需要邀请码,很不方便,而且界面难看,速度也很慢……
当时就想过自己来做一个GOOGLE MAPS API的应用,但一直没时间看API文档。这几天总算有空闲(辞职就是好哑),把想象中的东西基本上做出来了,我把它叫作Free Map Folio v1.0(取自DND设定集的名字),可以像维基百科那样自由编辑,前端是静态的HTML,数据库用xml,方便部署,而交互操作的程序完全用Javascirpt来写,只需要打开一个HTML页面,然后整个使用过程都不需要刷新页面,也不需要从外部获取数据(只用AJAX提交数据)。
演示:桌面游戏玩家主题地图(乱加东西要记得删掉)——以前在龙骑士城堡提过一种想法,就是用GOOGLE MAPS来做桌面游戏玩家的主题地图。当时推荐的是EEMAP的服务,然则这个网站的注册一直需要邀请码,很不方便,而且界面难看,速度也很慢……
当时就想过自己来做一个GOOGLE MAPS API的应用,但一直没时间看API文档。这几天总算有空闲(辞职就是好哑),把想象中的东西基本上做出来了,我把它叫作Free Map Folio v1.0(取自DND设定集的名字),可以像维基百科那样自由编辑,前端是静态的HTML,数据库用xml,方便部署,而交互操作的程序完全用Javascirpt来写,只需要打开一个HTML页面,然后整个使用过程都不需要刷新页面,也不需要从外部获取数据(只用AJAX提交数据)。
用户只需要访问一个静态的HTML页面,唯一一次从外部获取数据是在地图加载的时候,用了API提供的XmlHttpRequest对象,非常方便,比如GXml.parse可以把responseText获得的文本转换成XML DOM。不过用GXmlHttp和GDownloadUrl的时候,IE7都会遇到一个缓存问题(IE6没试过):刷新页面后,不会重新下载XML文件,因此页面上的数据不会更新。解决方法是在xml文件的地址后面加随机参数(感谢tinyfool的帮助):
var ramnum = parseInt(100000*Math.random());
var request = GXmlHttp.create();
request.open("GET", "db.xml?x="+ramnum, true);
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function()
我在点击事件里传了4个参数:点击的标记对象 , 信息窗的内容, 标记的经纬度, 标记使用的图标, 除了用来显示信息窗,也是为了把它们传给全局变量(因为编辑这个标记的时候会用到)。
因此对于不熟悉地理的用户来说,要在这样的中国地图上找到某个城市可能太难了,搜索地名是必须的功能。由于没有地理译码,目前使用GOOGLE MAPS API的网站,比如EEMAP,都是自己建立地名和经纬度对应的数据库。我找到了一个很全的“乡镇级中国行政区划地标”,是GOOGLE EARTH用的KMZ文件,但其实就是压缩过的XML,用WINRAR打开就能看到一个KML文件,可以直接拿来当搜索数据库。我考虑过两种实现方法:把用户输入的中文地名用AJAX发给PHP,让PHP搜索这个XML文件里匹配的标签,然后返回相应的经纬度;或者直接用GXmlHttp下载XML,然后用JS的DOM方法来搜索相应的标签,第二种方法很合我的胃口,不需要借道PHP,遗憾的是…………这意味着搜索时要用AJAX获得19M的XML数据……更新:地名搜索已经完成了,模糊搜索范围包括省会、地级市、县城、村镇……足行匹配,搜索对象在KML文件里排名越靠后,搜索时间越长,不过最多应该不超过5秒……
include "./globals.php";
$file_content = join('',file("../db.xml"));
$file_content = str_replace($array[0],'',$file_content);
$fp = fopen("../db.xml","w+");
目前已经全部完工,可能还有一些小BUG需要修改,比如:在简介里输入全角字符(比如·和——),会导致后面的字符都无法保存。P.S. 单引号、双引号和"&"容易引起JS错误,我把它们都屏蔽了-_____-b
作者: Dexter.Yy 发表于 3/13/2007 04:10:00 下午 10 条评论
前天我从那家公司辞职了,写辞职信这种事从来没做过,试过之后发现其实不比写BLOG难多少。这一年的时间比预想的长,却和一年前计划的一样,在技术上提高很多,Planescape:Torment里的吉斯泽莱人Dakkon有一句话用来形容这一年很贴切:Endure. In enduring, grow strong.
Dakkon还说过:” When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken ”.
The Nameless One: 知道后,我知道再过不久我要到那里去。时间和命运即将临到,我不会再留在这里。
NARUTO的新OP“Hero's come back”的视频:
作者: Dexter.Yy 发表于 3/03/2007 08:56:00 下午 4 条评论
标签: CRAP
做这个导航栏的初衷,是想在公司产品的后台界面里,模仿MAC OS X系统的dock效果,所谓dock,就是OS X桌面底部那条显眼的工具栏,我的UBUNTU桌面里也有类似的效果……
做这个导航栏的初衷,是想在公司产品的后台界面里,模仿MAC OS X系统的dock效果,所谓dock,就是OS X桌面底部那条显眼的工具栏,我的UBUNTU桌面里也有类似的效果……
<!-- ICON menu -->
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这个函数已经写在图片的onload事件里了,会在IMG标签的内容加载完后触发(这个事件虽好,也不能到处乱用,根据伟大的犀牛书V5,onload只支持body, frameset, img),函数先判断浏览器类型和版本(IE7支持透明PNG),先创建一个span元素,IMG标签的所有属性、事件都原样COPY到SPAN上,而PNG图片则放到SPAN的背景里,用滤镜处理成透明,注意滤镜属性里必须要有sizingMethod=scale。最后用outerHTML(只有IE支持)把该IMG替换成span。
/* icon menu */
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margin:0 16px 0 0px;
.iconbar li span{
margin:0px auto;
.iconbar li a img{
margin:0px auto;
.iconbar li a{
margin:0px auto;
.iconbar li img{
/* zoom class by Dexter.Yy
function animeZoom(ico,gWidth,gHeight,nWidth,nHeight)
else if(this.iWidth>this.goWidth)
var obj=this;
var h=parseInt(this.png.style.height);
var w=parseInt(this.png.style.width);
function largeIcon(png)
var lIco=new animeZoom(png,91,91,68,68);
function reIcon(png)
var rIco=new animeZoom(png,68,68,91,91);
作者: Dexter.Yy 发表于 3/03/2007 04:00:00 上午 3 条评论
看到一篇强文:Quantum mechanics and Tomb Raider
原文我也看不明白,然则NTRPG论坛上的Ross老爷就华丽的把它翻译出来了哑!赞!经译者授权,转帖于此:我们要讨论的是,在这样一款游戏中,存在一个“里世界”,即Lara所存在的游戏世界;以及一个 “表世界”,即玩家通过电脑操纵Lara的现实世界。当游戏运行的时候,这两个世界或多或少是相互平行的。但是某种操作,特别是“保存游戏”和“读取游戏”的行为,会破坏表世界和里世界的关系。这种行为对处于表世界的我们来说是再正常不过的事情了。但是,如果我们从Lara的角度,即里世界的角度来看,就会发现事情会变得有趣起来。
看到一篇强文:Quantum mechanics and Tomb Raider
为了通过传统的概念模型来描绘量子力学的非常现象,我们决定使用电脑游戏来帮助我们进行分析。具体选择哪款游戏并不重要,就让我们用古墓丽影—一款十多年以前就开始流行的游戏来进行我们的讨论吧。在这款游戏中,Lara Croft是女主人公,她致力于在各种古墓和地城中探险,经受迷题和陷阱的考验,只为得到她所心仪的宝贝。要知道,在游戏中,Lara死掉是一件稀松平常的事情,很可能一个陷阱就要了她的性命。
我们要讨论的是,在这样一款游戏中,存在一个“里世界”,即Lara所存在的游戏世界;以及一个 “表世界”,即玩家通过电脑操纵Lara的现实世界。当游戏运行的时候,这两个世界或多或少是相互平行的。但是某种操作,特别是“保存游戏”和“读取游戏”的行为,会破坏表世界和里世界的关系。这种行为对处于表世界的我们来说是再正常不过的事情了。但是,如果我们从Lara的角度,即里世界的角度来看,就会发现事情会变得有趣起来。
在现实世界中,只有微观物体,例如电子,才会体现出量子性。而宏观物体,比如你和我,则无法体会 Lara在游戏世界中所遭遇的那种现象,我们也无法去采访单个电子,询问它的切身体会。不过,通过对微观物体行为的统计,我们可以经由实验和理论推测间接得出它们的量子性质。让我们再一次用古墓丽影来分析一下这个问题。设想在古墓丽影中并非只有Lara一个主人公,而有很多角色可以使用。他们都像Lara 一样喜欢冒险。我假设,在游戏世界中也有一个科学家——就让我们叫她Jacqueline——专门研究这些冒险者的行为。但是她不会亲自去体验在古墓中探险活动,她甚至也不跟这些冒险者有任何接触。每一座古墓只有一个冒险者进入,无论这个冒险者死掉或是活着完成探索,都不会有其他冒险者再进入这座古墓。
Jacqueline 尝试考察她世界中的一些不同类型的古墓,并且收集了冒险者门在不同类型的古墓中幸存下来的数据。她发现,对于一个给定类型的古墓,都有一个确定的幸存概率 ——比如类型A的古墓所对应的幸存率固定为20%,而类型B则固定为50%——但是却无法确定,一个给定的冒险者在一个给定的古墓中是否能幸存下来。到目前为止,这些现象都可以通过传统理论来解释:每一座墓地中都有若干致命的陷阱,冒险者能否成功通过这些陷阱都由一个随机几率决定。
最后我们再次利用古墓丽影来解释一下为什么微观物体能体现出量子效应而宏观物体却没有。我们假设古墓丽影是一个双人合作游戏,两个玩家分别控制两个人物(这两个人物就叫Lara和 Indiana),她们可以同时探索她们世界的不同部分。玩家可以保存和读取游戏。读取游戏的时候Lara和Indiana都会回到记录点的状态。
原文:Quantum mechanics and Tomb Raider
Monday, February 26th, 2007 in non-technical
This post is derived from an interesting conversation I had several years ago with my friend Jason Newquist on trying to find some intuitive analogies for the non-classical nature of quantum mechanics. It occurred to me that this type of informal, rambling discussion might actually be rather suited to the blog medium, so here goes nothing…
Quantum mechanics has a number of weird consequences, but here we are focusing on three (inter-related) ones:
1. Objects can behave both like particles (with definite position and a continuum of states) and waves (with indefinite position and (in confined situations) quantised states);
2. The equations that govern quantum mechanics are deterministic, but the standard interpretation of the solutions of these equations is probabilistic; and
3. If instead one applies the laws of quantum mechanics literally at the macroscopic scale, then the universe itself must split into the superposition of many distinct “worlds”.
In trying to come up with a classical conceptual model in which to capture these non-classical phenomena, we eventually hit upon using the idea of using computer games as an analogy. The exact choice of game is not terribly important, but let us pick Tomb Raider - a popular game from about ten years ago (back when I had the leisure to play these things), in which the heroine, Lara Croft, explores various tombs and dungeons, solving puzzles and dodging traps, in order to achieve some objective. It is quite common for Lara to die in the game, for instance by failing to evade one of the traps. (I should warn that this analogy will be rather violent on certain computer-generated characters.)
The thing about such games is that there is an “internal universe”, in which Lara interacts with other game elements, and occasionally is killed by them, and an “external universe”, where the computer or console running the game, together with the human who is playing the game, resides. While the game is running, these two universes run more or less in parallel; but there are certain operations, notably the “save game” and “restore game” features, which disrupt this relationship. These operations are utterly mundane to people like us who reside in the external universe, but it is an interesting thought experiment (which others have also proposed :-) ) to view them from the perspective of someone like Lara, in the internal universe. (I will eventually try to connect this with quantum mechanics, but please be patient for now.) Of course, for this we will need to presume that the Tomb Raider game is so advanced that Lara has levels of self-awareness and artificial intelligence which are comparable to our own.
Imagine first that Lara is about to navigate a tricky rolling boulder puzzle, when she hears a distant rumbling sound - the sound of her player saving her game to disk. From the perspective of the player, what happens next is the following: Lara navigates the boulder puzzle but fails, being killed in the process; then the player restores the game from the save point and then Lara successfully makes it through the boulder puzzle.
Now, how does the situation look from Lara’s point of view? At the save point, Lara’s reality diverges into a superposition of two non-interacting paths, one in which she dies in the boulder puzzle, and one in which she lives. (Yes, just like that cat.) Her future becomes indeterministic. If she had consulted with an infinitely prescient oracle before reaching the save point as to whether she would survive the boulder puzzle, the only truthful answer this oracle could give is “50% yes, and 50% no”.
This simple example shows that the internal game universe can become indeterministic, even though the external one might be utterly deterministic. However, this example does not fully capture the weirdness of quantum mechanics, because in each one of the two alternate states Lara could find herself in (surviving the puzzle or being killed by it), she does not experience any effects from the other state at all, and could reasonably assume that she lives in a classical, deterministic universe.
So, let’s make the game a bit more interesting. Let us assume that every time Lara dies, she leaves behind a corpse in that location for future incarnations of Lara to encounter. (This type of feature was actually present in another game I used to play, back in the day.) Then Lara will start noticing the following phenomenon (assuming she survives at all): whenever she navigates any particularly tricky puzzle, she usually encounters a number of corpses which look uncannily like herself. This disturbing phenomenon is difficult to explain to Lara using a purely classical deterministic model of reality; the simplest (and truest) explanation that one can give her is a “many-worlds” interpretation of reality, and that the various possible states of Lara’s existence have some partial interaction with each other. Another valid (and largely equivalent) explanation would be that every time Lara passes a save point to navigate some tricky puzzle, Lara’s “particle-like” existence splits into a “wave-like” superposition of Lara-states, which then evolves in a complicated way until the puzzle is resolved one way or the other, at which point Lara’s wave function “collapses” in a non-deterministic fashion back to a particle-like state (which is either entirely alive or entirely dead).
Now, in the real world, it is only microscopic objects such as electrons which seem to exhibit this quantum behaviour; macroscopic objects, such as you and I, do not directly experience the kind of phenomena that Lara does and we cannot interview individual electrons to find out their stories either. Nevertheless, by studying the statistical behaviour of large numbers of microscopic objects we can indirectly infer their quantum nature via experiment and theoretical reasoning. Let us again use the Tomb Raider analogy to illustrate this. Suppose now that Tomb Raider does not only have Lara as the main heroine, but in fact has a large number of playable characters, who explore a large number deadly tombs, often with fatal effect (and thus leading to multiple game restores). Let us suppose that inside this game universe there is also a scientist (let’s call her Jacqueline) who studies the behaviour of these adventurers going through the tombs, but does not experience the tombs directly, nor does she actually communicate with any of these adventurers. Each tomb is explored by only one adventurer; regardless of whether she lives or dies, the tomb is considered “used up”.
Jacqueline observes several types of trapped tombs in her world, and gathers data as to how likely an adventurer is to survive any given type of tomb. She learns that each type of tomb has a fixed survival rate - e.g. a tomb of type A has a 20% survival rate, while a tomb of type B has a 50% survival rate - but that it seems impossible to predict with any certainty whether any given adventurer will survive any given type of tomb. So far, this is something which could be explained classically; each tomb may have a certain number of lethal traps in them, and whether an adventurer survives these traps or not may entirely be due to random chance.
But then Jacqueline encounters a mysterious “quantisation” phenomenon: the survival rate for various tombs are always one of the following numbers:
100\%, 50\%, 33.3\ldots\%, 25\%, 20\%, \ldots;
in other words, the “frequency” of success for a tomb is always of the form 1/n for some integer n. This phenomenon would be difficult to explain in a classical universe, since the effects of random chance should be able to produce a continuum of survival probabilities.
Here’s what is going on. In order for Lara (say) to survive a tomb of a given type, she needs to stack together a certain number of corpses together to reach a certain switch; if she cannot attain that level of “constructive interference” to reach that switch, she dies. The type of tomb determines exactly how many corpses are needed - suppose for instance that a tomb of type A requires four corpses to be stacked together. Then the player who is playing Lara will have to let her die four times before she can successfully get through the tomb; and so from her perspective, Lara’s chances of survival are only 20%. In each possible state of the game universe, there is only one Lara which goes into the tomb, who either lives or dies; but her survival rate here is what it is because of her interaction with other states of Lara (which Jacqueline cannot see directly, as she does not actually enter the tomb).
A familiar example of this type of quantum effect is the fact that each atom (e.g. sodium or neon) can only emit certain wavelengths of light (which end up being quantised somewhat analogously to the survival probabilities above); for instance, sodium only emits yellow light, neon emits blue, and so forth. The electrons in such atoms, in order to emit such light, are in some sense clambering over skeletons of themselves to do so; the more commonly given explanation is that the electron is behaving like a wave within the confines of an atom, and thus can only oscillate at certain frequencies (similarly to how a plucked string of a musical instrument can only exhibit a certain set of wavelengths, which incidentally are also proportional to 1/n for integer n). Mathematically, this “quantisation” of frequency can be computed using the bound states of a Schrödinger operator with potential. (Now, I am not going to try to stretch the Tomb Raider analogy so far as to try to model the Schrödinger equation! In particular, the complex phase of the wave function - which is a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics - is not easy at all to motivate in a classical setting, despite some brave attempts.)
The last thing we’ll try to get the Tomb Raider analogy to explain is why microscopic objects (such as electrons) experience quantum effects, but macroscopic ones (or even mesoscopic ones, such as large molecues) seemingly do not. Let’s assume that Tomb Raider is now a two-player co-operative game, with two players playing two characters (let’s call them Lara and Indiana) as they simultaneously explore different parts of their world (e.g. via a split-screen display). The players can choose to save the entire game, and then restore back to that point; this resets both Lara and Indiana back to the state they were in at that save point.
Now, this game still has the strange feature of corpses of Lara and Indiana from previous games appearing in later ones. However, we assume that Lara and Indiana are entangled in the following way: if Lara is in tomb A and Indiana is in tomb B, then Lara and Indiana can each encounter corpses of their respective former selves, but only if both Lara and Indiana died in tombs A and B respectively in a single previous game. If in a previous game, Lara died in tomb A and Indiana died in tomb C, then this time round, Lara will not see any corpse (and of course, neither will Indiana). (This entanglement can be described a bit better by using tensor products: rather than saying that Lara died in A and Indiana died in B, one should instead think of \hbox{Lara } \otimes \hbox{ Indiana} dying in \left|A\right> \otimes \left|B\right>, which is a state which is orthogonal to \left|A\right> \otimes \left|C\right>.) With this type of entanglement, one can see that there is going to be significantly less “quantum weirdness” going on; Lara and Indiana, adventuring separately but simultaneously, are going to encounter far fewer corpses of themselves than Lara adventuring alone would. And if there were many many adventurers entangled together exploring simultaneously, the quantum effects drop to virtually nothing, and things now look classical unless the adventurers are somehow organised to “resonate” in a special way.
One might be able to use Tomb Raider to try to understand other unintuitive aspects of quantum mechanics, but I think I’ve already pushed the analogy far beyond the realm of reasonableness, and so I’ll stop here. :-)
作者: Dexter.Yy 发表于 3/03/2007 03:46:00 上午 0 条评论
标签: GEEK